Companhia da Escalada, founded in Rio de Janeiro in 1995 by the climber Flavio Daflon, currently has two branches: Climbing School and Publishing Company/Bookstore. As a climbing school, it offers basic to advanced courses, as well as a guide service in the mountains of Rio. As a publisher, has already published nine books, five of her own, and has an online bookstore specializing in the sale of mountaineering books and guides.

In these more than 25 years of history, Companhia da Escalada has grown. Today it has six professional guides/instructors and has already trained more than 2000 students. An even greater number of climbers from Brazil and abroad were guided in the mountains of Rio by the school. Companhia da Escalada books are best sellers among mountaineers, such as the manual “Escale Melhor e com Mais Segurança”, a book used by most climbing courses in Brazil.

Companhia da Escalada has guides and instructors certified by Aguiperj, our Basic Rock Climbing Course is approved by Femerj (The Mountaineering Federation of Rio de Janeiro) and we are registered with Cadastur.

Certified climbing guides of Rio de Janeiro



Certified guides and instructors.


Approved Climbing Course.

Travelers Choice

2020 Travellers’ Choice Tripadvisor.


Registered in Cadastur.